Market Access Masterclasses
The AXIS team really values the opportunity to share our knowledge and insights on the Market Access Landscape in Ireland. We have been running our masterclasses annually since 2015 and always receive hugely positive feedback on their value to attendees.
We keep the numbers attending each class small so each attendee receives maximum benefit. The highly qualified team at AXIS deliver the sessions covering all the relevant topics including pricing applications / negotiations, rapid reviews and HTA submissions.
We offer detailed guidance during our masterclasses on how to avoid common pitfalls in reimbursement applications in Ireland.

Introductory Courses to Health Economics
The AXIS team is comprised of highly experienced health economists who have either Doctoral or Masters level qualifications from prestigious universities known for their taught educational programmes in Health Economics.
We have designed our own introductory level, one and two-day courses, on health economics with specific focus on applied health technology assessment to aid decision making in Ireland.
Our courses are uniquely developed to help others improve understanding and build their knowledge base. Delivered either for clients on site or at the AXIS offices, we are continually updating our content to ensure we are adding value for our attendees.

During 2020 AXIS will launch our new online course in health economics, health technology assessment and market access.
This course is being designed for healthcare professionals around the globe who are interested in furthering their knowledge in this field and who wish to do this in their own time, from their office or home environment.
Delivered using a combination of video presentations, online tutorials and high-quality learning resources, the AXIS blended learning programme will offer an innovative, interactive and flexible education experience.