Pharma Market Access Consultants
Leading market access firm in Ireland for pharmaceutical companies requiring expertise in payer engagement, strategic market access Ireland, healthcare market landscaping, decision trend analysis and stakeholder mapping workshops. With over 30 years of experience, we can deliver real market access solutions.

Our Services

Strategic Market
Utilising our combined expertise and knowledge of over 30 years in Market Access, we tackle your specific challenges and deliver real strategic insights to create solutions that work. The AXIS team has a deep understanding of local payer policy and processes, an extensive network and close payer relationships as well as a comprehensive understanding of the key evidence that helps determine payer decision making.

Market Access Landscape
Navigating a complex healthcare environment can be a risky process without an experienced partner to guide your journey. Companies based outside of the country where reimbursement applications are made, need accurate, reliable and valuable intelligence on the local health system so they can optimise their chances for a successful outcome. AXIS delivers bespoke landscape reviews to help our clients understand the local landscape, manage their timelines and avoid potential pitfalls.

The majority of reimbursement submissions result in a price negotiation meeting with local payers where failure to secure favourable price agreements can have serious consequences for commercialisation. Drawing upon our extensive experience in this area, AXIS offers full price negotiation meeting support including, planning and development of core strategy, preparation of relevant materials, co-attendance at these crucially important payer meetings, and post-meeting review and support.

Decision Trend
Conducting decision trend analyses for our clients provides a comprehensive picture of the reimbursement process for particular treatments or disease areas. Our highly-trained economists utilise HTA and health systems databases to provide time-to-decision analysis, which aids in efficient reimbursement process planning within and between countries. Our decision trend analysis tools provide condition/treatment-specific analysis to identify optimum positioning and strategy for submitting to reimbursement agencies.

Stakeholder Mapping Workshops
For many clients, especially those based out of country, it is difficult to know who are the key stakeholders in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Our comprehensive stakeholder mapping workshops, which can be delivered on site or at one of our offices, ensure that companies have full visibility and established road maps capturing the main stakeholders including Payers, Opinion leaders, Clinicians and Patient Organisations.