The final EMIG Scotland meeting of 2022 was held virtually on Wednesday the 7th of December 2022.
Brenda Dooley, the Managing Secretariat of EMIG Scotland and CEO of AXIS Consulting Scotland has arranged an excellent line-up of speakers for this event and are as follows:
Leslie Galloway has built a successful career over 45+ years in senior management roles in both the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Elected as the EMIG Chairman in 2005, Leslie Galloway has been instrumental in the metamorphosis of EMIG from being a business/networking group to the influential trade association it is today. In July 2014, Leslie was elected VP, European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE) and was appointed to the Board of the EU Medical Cannabis Association in 2019.
He was involved with the negotiation of the 2019 Voluntary Scheme and was a Member of the Working Group for the NICE Review of Methods and Process. He was also the Vice Chairman of the NICE Project Development Group for Local Formularies Good Practice Guidance, a member of the NICE Medicines Optimisation Guidance Development Group and is currently an Expert Adviser to the NICE Centre for Clinical Practice. In April 2020, Leslie became co-founder and Chairman of TetrisPharma Ltd.
Jade Marshall
Jade Marshall is the Senior Director, Portfolio Strategy, EUR/INT at Jazz Pharmaceuticals and is the EMIG representative on the Scottish Medicines Consortium User Group Forum. Possessing an MSc. Economic Evaluation in Healthcare, Pharmacoeconomics/ Pharmaceutical Economics from City, University of London and a MEneg Engineering Mathematics from Bristol University, Jade has extensive experience in the market access and health economics field. Previously, she was the HEOR Director, International of GW Pharmaceuticals Plc.
Alison Strath is the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for Scotland. As the senior advisor on pharmacy and medicines issues, she provides professional and strategic leadership to the pharmacy profession in Scotland. This includes pharmacy and medicines related policy and legislation, involving issues such as community pharmacy service negotiations, access to newly licensed medicines via the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) and the UK Voluntary Pricing and Access Scheme (VPAS).
Alison was Principal Pharmaceutical Officer in the Scottish Government from 2002 to 2020 and was Professor of Community Pharmacy Practice at Robert Gordon University’s School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences in Aberdeen from 2008 to 2018. She was made a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain in 2010. In 2018 Alison was appointed Emeritus Professor at the School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences at Robert Gordon University. Alison was a Director at McPherson Pharmacy Ltd, with her husband Ken McPherson, from 1996 until 2018.